SmartNanoTox International Online Conference
24th June 2020
The Conference was organized along with SmartNanoTox project final online meeting on the 24th of June 2020. The programme included a detailed presentation of the SmartNanoTox project results, guest lectures, and round table discussions of the further steps in the development of mechanism-aware assessment of nanotoxicity.
The invited speakers:
- Barbara Rothen-Rutishauser, Adolphe Merkle Institute
- Iseult Lynch, University of Birmingham
- Jesus Perez Gil, Complutense University of Madrid
- Sabina Halappanavar, Health Canada
- Tomasz Puzyn, University of Gdansk
The presentations for the topical sessions:
- Vladimir Lobaskin. SmartNanoTox (SNT) concept and overview of accomplishments (Video)
Session 1 “Grouping of Nanomaterials (NMs)”
- Nick Quirke. Leveraging ab initio modelling approaches to link phys-chem nanomaterial (NM) properties to descriptors of bio-nano interaction (Video)
- Otmar Schmid. The role of tissue-delivered dose and dose metric for hazard grouping and risk assessment of nanomaterials (NMs) (Video)
- Luc Ferrari. Mechanisms of toxicity related to surface activity, and shape-induced cell-particle interaction (Video)
- Marc Meunier. Prediction of NM toxicity from intelligent quantitative structureactivity relations (iQSAR) (Video)
Session 2 “Development of AOPs and identification of KEs“
- Ulla Vogel. Five AOPs developed in SmartNanoTox (Video)
- Sabina Halappanavar. Human health risk assessment of nanomaterials adverse outcome pathways and key events for the design and development of in vitro predictive tools (Video)
- Vadim Zhernovkov. Multi-omics approach for identification of key events (KEs) in NM-related AOP development (Video)
- Tomasz Puzyn. From transcriptomics to CNT-induced inflammation and beyond The power of nanoQSARs (Video)
Session 3 “In vivo – in vitro mapping”
- Tobias Stoeger. Smart assays for AOP-based mechanism-aware toxicity assessment (Video)
- Barbara Rothen‐Rutishauser. Physiologically Anchored Tools for Realistic nanOmateriaL hazard aSsessment (Video)
- Jesús Pérez-Gil. The role of surfactant in lung homeostasis and disease (Video)
- Janez Štrancar. Lipid wrapping From bio and nano interfaces to disease prediction (Video)
Session 4 “Databases/Data management”
- Vladimir Lobaskin. Data strategy and relevance for Nanoinformatics and Nanosafety (Video)
- Alexander Lyubartsev. Models and Tools statistical and physics-based modelling (Video)
- Iseult Lynch. NanoCommons KnowledgeBase Supporting a lasting legacy from SmartNanoTox data and models (Video)